Tuesday 17 May 2011

I'm struggling to find...

I'm delivering a workshop for CPM21 Professional Services tomorrow and wanted to display a Facebook Page (one that I don't administer) but I'm struggling to find one!

The criteria I need to tick is:
  • B2B - Ideally a professional service like a solicitor or financial services
  • To have a Facebook Page NOT a Personal Profile 
  • Is based in South Wales or West Wales
  • Has posted in the past 48 hours (i'd even accept one that has at least posted once this week!)
  • Has a voice behind the posts - ie. isn't just automatic RSS Feeds
  • Isn't constantly sending out sales messages, but information that would be useful to its audience!

For me this has clearly pointed out that there is a gap in Social Media In South Wales for more professional services to utilise Facebook as a communication platform with their audience.

I'd like to hear your opinion - generally this will get people going something on the lines of 'Linkedin is more suitable' or 'Twitter is a better place for this sort of thing' - I'd like to hear your views!

To get started my point here is that I am a heavy Facebook user and I would like to see more professional services using this!

And to add - I subscribed to the Welsh Assembly Government page recently to find that all updates were automatic RSS feeds from another site - I tried to interact with them, to give advice as I think it would be an absolutely great place to provide information to businesses across South Wales - I got an email reply, but it was to say that they couldn't put anything on there to interact with their audience - restricted by the people in charge - surely that's the whole point of Social Media???

OK - rant over - I'll keep looking for a suitable Facebook Page, but if you do find one, please comment on this post with a link!

TUC Member